7 Apr 2013

Avast Antivirus 8 With Crack Till 2050 (100% Working)!

Posted by Unknown  |  at  6:26 am

Avast Antivirus 8 With Crack Till 2050!
Hi guys the new avast pro antivirus 8  has arrived with the crack.Today we are providing the latest avast antivirus8 full with crack till 2050.The newly arrived avast product have new touch optimized,windows 8 metro interface .
Avast 8 introduces a new feature of  detection engine which monitors suspected files in an isolated environment before you’re able to execute them.And avast promises that it will help the  users to make intelligent decisions, whether files running in the sandbox are malicious or not.
The Market Price of Avast Products.
avast! Pro Antivirus – $39/-
avast! Internet Security –  $49/-
avast! Premier –  $69/-
Don’t worry here we will provide it for free!You all have to do is to just install the ZeNiX crack and enjoy your avast! 8 till 2050 with all new updates without any block.Open-mouthed smile
Instructions to crack and activate Avast 8.
#1. Download and install the latest trial version of any avast! edition such as Internet Security,Premier or Pro Anti Virus from the below provided links.
#2.Now,go to avast settings > troubleshooting and disable avast! self-defense module.
#3.Download the ZeNiX simple installer.
#4.Extract it and run ZeNiX Installer.exe
#5.Click install button
#6.when installation is completed the avast and installer will be closed automatically.
#7.Now restart your computer.
Yaar!!!!!!Your antivirus has been cracked till 2050.
Now enjoy the latest edition of avast without any interruption.
*  To use the ZeNiX  installer the self defense  should be disabled.
*   You can install any update including avast application updates and virus-definition updates while using this subscription(by crack).
*   If anything goes wrong with the cracking and activation, just reinstall the crack.

Download avast From Here

Download Crack From Here

Download from Here

From The Editor's Desk...
All the tricks here we provided are surely working and if you feel any inconvenience ,report me by commenting below,we will provide you  the fresh tricks as soon as possible.So don’t hesitate to ask if the provided crack is not working.So enjoy…..!!!!!!

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  1. I must enter the password first. what is the password?

    1. Hello, The Crack installation Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes).
      Keep Visiting For Better Stuffs.Thanks.
      Still any query persists Feel free to ask us ok.

    2. Hi Vishnu,Thanks a lot.It's working fine just wanna know if we need to insert licence file.If,Yes then kindly guide.

    3. hey vishnu,all was well but now i am getting a message from avast that the product i am using is pirated or stolen.Please suggest what to do?

  2. its not working for me
    i hav done all the steps and when i restart my computer and open avasti its just say not registered (30 day remaining)

  3. Bro,just uninstall it and start a new fresh installation.Follow the steps provided correctly without any mistake.Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes).It is fully working.I have posted it after testing it.
    Keep visiting...

  4. Thanks for your appreciation...Keep visiting

  5. Replies
    1. No it will work in both win 8 & 7.I'm posted this after checking it.

  6. I've already follow all the step above, but still it's not working.
    First I uninstall the old version and then start new fresh installation (avasts 8 premier) after I restart my computer it still 30 days demo. Why this is happening? Is it because I used Windows 7?

    1. After installation have you used the key file provided ? Before cracking it use the particular key file provided to register upto 2050.Then you have to use the Zenix crack...

    2. passwor "zenix" it's not working bro

    3. Hi Arun Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes)Use it exactly without changing the case,better to copy & paste.It is fully working.I have posted it after testing it(see the screenshot).
      Keep visiting...

    4. cannot Disable Self-Protection module from Avast in version 8.0.1489

    5. Go to avast settings > troubleshooting and disable avast! self-defense module.I am sure you can disable it.
      Visit again...

    6. hi i downloaded avast anti virus premier 8,and installede and disabled self defense module but when i download and tied to installed file from other win rar file for crack ,avast caught as malware and not letting it to run and install
      what should i do tell me ,does crack file contains virus?

  7. Thanks A BILLION Vichu Vishnu (or A.K.A. ZeNiX - not sure XD).. It's working 100%!! I really don't have enough thanks for you man.. Your tricks are way too great..!!! thanks a bunch again

    See this Link: http://prntscr.com/17o9up
    the Finished Product of Vichu's Billiant trick is now in my hand! Great Day to all.

    1. Thanks Bro for your comments.Keep visiting for even better tricks.

  8. yes crack is workinnggggggg
    but dont know vil this really block malware
    users please replyy

    any way easy installation dude
    good workkk

  9. i,m using XP does it work on this OS also?

    1. It may work in most windows OS but we don't tested it in XP(7 & 8 tested-working 100% !)So try it and let me know if it worked for you.

  10. Don't working in windows 8, please help me to this problem....

    1. Bro,just uninstall it and start a new fresh installation.Follow the steps provided correctly without any mistake.Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes)Password is case sensitive.It is fully working.I have posted it after testing it in both win8 & 7.
      Keep visiting...

  11. Hi works well win 7 not win xp also you have not come back to me about if I should register account with Avast would like to use remote support in product need to have account to do so have not done in case creates a problem great product well done

  12. like this post...
    visit to http://seeker-peace.blogspot.com/

  13. hello how do i wanna uninstall avast so how do i uninstall it plz help me.i tried alot but it is not uninstalling!

    1. First of all try once again to uninstall it normally.Still not uninstalling,follow this.Go to local disk C >> Program files >> Then delete the entire folder of the avast product.Restart your system.Then you are Done !!!

      Keep visiting....

  14. Thank you so much bro. Keep up the great work. By the way, I know this is a bit demanding but it will be awesome if you can get the crack for Advanced system care 6. Thanks again for the great effort. God bless you.

  15. Thanks. Clear instructions. No problems yet. Works great. It activated Avast Internet security perfectly until 2050 as described. Good job.

  16. hey how to Download ZeNiX simple installer.

    1. Hello Tushar,ZeNiX Simple installer is the crack file.So please download it from the above given link.

  17. It is working. Thank you so much ;)

  18. What is the password ? of the crack ?

    1. Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes)Password is case sensitive.
      visit again

  19. thanks so much maine you're the best...we want more of this..thanks so much!

  20. Self defense of avast must be "always off" after install Zenix and activated the avast?

    1. No,after installation you can activate the self defense mode.

  21. Antivirus Test 2013 - Who offers the best antivirus program in the test?

    Online Antivirus Test 2013 - Which is the best antivirus program in the test? We tested eight different programs for you. Buy the Test!

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    Visit us- www[dot]antivirus-programme-test[dot]de

  22. Password for crack isn't working, any help?

    1. Hello, The Crack installation Password is "ZeNiX" (without quotes).
      Keep Visiting For Better Stuffs.Thanks.

  23. Does it works on latest avast version? (july 2013)

    1. Hello it has not tested yet.So please confirm its working and let us know it.It may works on all versions.

  24. it's working!! thank you very much.. in my first try it didn't work then i tried again and read what's inside the rar file.. i've found out that if you are an xp user you have an additional instruction to do before you install the ZeNiX installer.. and after that i followed all the rest of the instruction and then boom my subsciption is active until 2050!!! YAY!! thank you again.. :)

  25. Just awesome!
    100% worked.
    Note: windows 7 users need not run the registry file.

    Thanks a lot!

  26. Hello Bro, It worked Perfectly As Told & got activation till 2050 .. ..But the thing is dat whenever i start up my pc my start screen in windows 8 does not show up. . The screen becomes black n only cursor can be seen. .

    1. maybe this will help you,

  27. 5nly i did it ....tnx .......!!!

  28. tnx for the crack, it worked, but i only have 1 question. after my pc has restarted, can i enable the avast! self-protection module again?

    1. @cedric Goffin
      Hello Goffin,you can enable the Avast!self-protection module after restarting your PC.The same is disabled only for cracking it.
      Visit again...

    2. then can i update avast for not

  29. hy dude !!! thanks very much for this crack .... but i have two question plz reply soon ...
    1) can we turn on defense mode now after installation ?
    2) can we update engine and virus definitions and program ??
    reply soon !!!

    1. @ chulbul panday,
      Yes you can turn on defense mode after installation.
      Also you can update the virus definitions and program.
      Visit again

  30. thanxxxxx for this software........how to update this antivirus after crack ???? plssssssss tell mee ........

    1. Dear Pratik Deshmukh,
      You can update it either by online or by downloading and installing the update file.
      Visit again.

    2. hi man can tell me the procedure how to update the antivirus, because after i applied the cract it is showing valid till 2050 but isint getting upated

  31. Hi Sir! Thanks for the crack, it is working very well.
    I just want to ask if there is any effect if Avast detects the license as illegal / pirated copy? Because Avast notify me that the license if illegal.
    Thanks for reply!

  32. hi.. thank you very much for your fantastic work.
    im getting notifications like "this license is pirated/stolen. plz use original license." how to disable it or get rid off from this ..

    thank you for your input

  33. vichu...here is now a proble... avast find that my licence is illeagal and insert ur valid licence... iaam so sad..but now working still..but future any prblm..? plz...reply...

  34. @ Opacks Pogi,Techno Hunt,SUDHI

    Hi visitors,to get rid of this problem we have already given a fix.So just read and refer it.
    How To Fix Avast illegal License Alert ?
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Visit Again..

  35. its working!! :DD thanks a lot!
    but is it alright to update the avast?

  36. Hi vishu, can you please tell me once again to fix the illegeal license issue alert i couldn't find the query for this as u mentioned pls help me.?

    1. Hi Raja please read This Articleto solve your issue.

    2. Vichu.. i was able to install the Avast pro but the security still does not allow me to make any changes despite deactivating self defense.. i tried installing avastlic installer gold too..... pls help..

  37. DUDE you're AWESOME. It Works. Easy Step,No prank,Virus etc
    Thanks a lot !!

  38. Even If I disabled self defense module. Avast detected it and stopped it

  39. hi, all thing is working fine. But when i try to update it shows" You are using a pirated/stolen copy". please tell me how to fix it. thanks

  40. The user hosting this content is out of bandwidth.this is posted when im tryna download the crack why? :(

  41. I got this error msg "The user hosting this content is out of bandwidth." Please reupload the crack. Thank's

  42. bro i am not able to download becoz adf.ly is block in india.please give me direct download link my mail id is ravilove.kumar7503@gmail.com.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hey, Vishnu the problem im facing is that whenever i try to install the crack my avast is moving it to chest detecting it as malware.... please reply soon. Thankzz dude..

  43. while i'm downloading crack .it is shows..

    ..what should i do???

  44. Good working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in os xp.
    Thanks brother.
    Will it work after reinstalling/giving windows xp..?

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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