21 May 2013

ObjectDock™ V2.1 Free Full Download

Posted by Unknown  |  at  9:48 pm

ObjectDock is the World’s most popular animated Dock for Windows that enables the user to quickly access their favorite files,applications and shortcuts.It has a feature of automatic hiding itself when the Dock is not in use,and reappears on the introduction of the mouse pointer.ObjectDock is a colorful animated dock which provides so many unique features which are listed below.

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objectdock v 2.1_vmtricks

Features of ObjectDock™ V 2.1
  • Allows to Create Multiple Docks

ObjectDock enables you to create as many docks as you wish to organize your shortcuts and applications into logical groups.

multiple docks

  • Tabbed Docks

ObjectDock™ V 2.1 allows you to setup multi-tabbed docks in your desktop for your programs, documents, links and other items. Easily customize the tab names, order, color and position.

Tabbed docks

  • Drag and drop application launching

Drag and Drop application launching is one of the unique feature of ObjectDock which enables you to drag a text file, for example, to your docked word processing application to quickly open the file right from your dock.


  • Unique Way of Customization

ObjectDock puts you in control of how big (or small) your dock is, where it appears on your screen and the icons that populate it.

You can even place a dock on a second display!


  • Variety Of Special Effects

    Personalize your docks with unique animated effects that occur when you mouse-over docked items.


System Requirements
  • Windows 8/7 required (XP/Vista are no longer supported)

Download Stardock’s ObjectDock™ V 2.1 

Download Stardock’s ObjectDock™ V 2.1 (Mirror)

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