4shared is the site file storage provider on the Internet coming from Ukraine that was founded in 2005 by Alex Lunkov and Sergey Chudnovsky. 4shared has approximately 5,300,234 users, 11,000,222 daily visits, files stored in 4shared approximately 940TB and 317TB download files every day.
Because of its simplicity, 4shared become a favorite site for the storage of internet users today. However 4shared still has shortcomings, which must be signed and wait a few seconds to download it if we do not have a premium account.
Today we are going to show you How To Download from 4shared Without Login and Without Waiting Time ?.So you can save your time to a large extent.This trick has been tested by us and confirmed its fine working.So let’s Start ?
Well we will explain how.
Follow the below steps:
- First of all find out the download link of the file you want to download from 4shared.
It may be like this : https://www.4shared.com/rar/gEfNIZgi/Full_Album_JKT48.htm [example]
- Then you only have to do is to replace the address ' https://www. ' with ' http://4server.info/download/ ‘
- So the final address will be like this :
- Then place the final address in the address bar of your browser (chrome / Firefox) and hit ENTER.
- WOW…….The file is downloading without any waiting or login……..
How’s it ?
Don’t tried yet ?Try this awesome trick and comment below your views or doubts if any.
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